Paige is growing like crazy. she changes every day! She has already grown 2 inches and gained a pound. We are having so much fun with her!

I think she has Jakes feet

I took her out jogging when she was hungry, big mistake!

she's got a good grip, once she's got you, you'll never get your finger back!

nap time!
Paige was born at 7:32 pm at Madison Memorial Hospital on July 17th.
She weighed 6 lbs. 11 oz and was 19 inches long.

She's awake, hurry take a picture! This does not happen very often!

Shhhh, she's sleeping, I better sleep too!

She does not love to be in her car seat, So DRAMATIC !

She has Jakes feet and my fingers, both long and skinny.

"What an exciting new world! These people are crazy!"

Paige's first bath @ home in her whale tub!

Again, the despised car seat. she cried the entire way home from the hospital.

"Feels good to be out of that tight space!"